Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) released 481 graduate apprentice and technician apprentice jobs this year 2023. Those candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the notification & apply online. To apply for the Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) Recruitment login to the official website

Organization: Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC)
Employment Type: Central Govt Jobs
Total Vacancies: 481
Location: Neyveli – Cuddalore
Post Name:
- Engineering Graduate Apprentice – 201
- Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentice – 105
- Technician Apprentice – 175
Applying Mode: Online
Starting Date: 07.08.2023
Last Date : 16.08.2023
(i) Engineering Graduate Apprentice:
- Applicants should pass Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized board.
(ii) Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentice:
- Applicants should pass Degree in the relevant disciplines from a recognized board.
(iii) Technician Apprentice:
- Applicants should pass Diploma in Engineering or Technology from a recognized board.
Age Limit:
- Not Specified.
Salary Package:
- Engineering Graduate Apprentice – Rs. 15,028/-
- Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentice – Rs. 12,524/-
- Technician Apprentice – Rs. 12,524/-
Selection Process:
- Merit List
Application Fees:
- No Fee.
How to Apply:
- Go to the official website
- Find the advertisement for the NLC, and click on the advertisement.
- NLC notification will open read it and check Eligibility.
- To apply enter your details correctly.
- Candidates will be provided the opportunity to edit their application form before submission.
- Finally, click the submit button and take the print of the application form.
- Send the dully filled application copy along with the required documents to the following address.
- “Office of the General Manager,
Land Department,
NLC India Limited,
Block -20,
Neyveli – 607 803.”
Important Dates:
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 07.08.2023
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 16.08.2023
- Last date for Submission of Filled Application Offline: 23.08.2023
Important Links:
- Notification Link: Click here to Download
- Apply Link: Click here to Apply